
August 4, 2010

Top 10 places we will NOT go to

Some of them we will only miss by a few hundred kilometers, some of them we might see only from the plane. For sure these are all fantastic places, which are worth another visit at another time. Here are the top 10 places we will NOT go to, in no particular order.

Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni (photo Szymon Kochański)

Ecuador – Galapagos islands (photo Chris Willis)

Chile - Easter island (photo vtveen)

India - Taj Mahal (photo Christopher Chan)

Antarctica (photo Martha de Jong-Lantink)

Chile - Atacama desert (photo Houston Marsh)

Amazonia (photo Daniel Zanini H.)

Hong Kong (photo Steve Webel)

Peru - Nazca lines (photo Steve Taylor)

Peru – Lake Titicaca (photo Andrew Miller)


  1. Good Luck on the way :-) dont forget, never open the window on the plane! :-))

  2. Que tengáis un buen viaje, que os lo paséis muy bien y procurad volver enteros :P

    Y según Alberto: "Que la fuerza os acompañe" :)

