
September 6, 2010

Chicago, 1 st foot in USA !

Let’s catch up with the blog updates, and continue with Chicago. First, we were hosted by an awesome couple who cheered us up during 5 days ^^ The large flat turned quickly into a youth hostel or as in “l’auberge espagnole” for those who knows. After some time to get used to the strong texan accent of Val, serious things started…


The crazy noisy Train from the serie Emergency Room, the “El”, lead us to Downtown.










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to finish the day at the musical Billy Elliot.

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The day after, the weather being a bit rainy, we were a bit lazy, going to the laundry (finally!), chilling out on the beach, going to a comedy show (and trying to understand it!). We recovered to continue the city tour, to the Navy Pier, and on top of Hancok tower…

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for finally making friend with the bus driver, who drove us to Little Italy to drink the best limonade in town ^^

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To finish the day by an totally wicked diner in Yoshi french-japanese fusion restaurant !!! (teriyaki sea bass !!!!!!)


Finally, last day… hungarian/french dinner party which was not that bad neither ^^

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After having left Chicago with a tear in the eye, comes San Francisco for new adventures!


  1. We were sad to see you go, but very happy to have met such wonderful guys ;) And funny!
    You got some wonderful pix of this city :)
    Stay safe and sane and have a blast around the world :) *hugs*

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am your fan. You rock guys !
