
September 11, 2010

San Francisco: home of the homeless

Our first impressions about San Francisco: chilly, smell of marijuana in the air, a number of homeless people on the streets. In fact, according to the statistics, SF has the highest number of homeless people per capita in the USA. And it feels. Literally. Just a few blocks from the upscale shops of Union square, one can see all the less fortunate men and women trying to survive the cold San Francisco winds wrapped into several layers of sheets and rugs. As a matter of fact I have never seen a woman pissing in her pants while walking down the street until I have been to downtown Frisco.

All the rest is pretty much candy for the millions of tourists arriving every year: walk the Golden Gate, see the Alcatraz, ride the cable car, eat at fisherman’s wharf, buy a discounted camera, etc. The western part of the city with the beach, the huge park and the quiet residential neighborhoods is nice, but the rest was a disappointment. Thumbs down for SF:)

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