
October 21, 2010

We Love Mexico !

Time to close the Mexican chapter of our adventure with a tribute to the awesome people we met, and their as awesome lifestyle!

A big thank to Erika for taking care of us since our arrival (and showing me features on my BB :p) as well as her friends Van & Rene. We spent such a great time in the Cenote (some huge natural underground pools, which can be found all over Yucatan) and at the birthday party.

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Also a great thanks to our hosts. First, Alma in Cancun, who made us discover the tequila cream the first night and showed us this paradisiac island called Isla Mujeres, where I saw the purest light blue water of my life!

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And then, Kary in Merida, who took us to Cozuma (3 cenotes only accessible with a wagon pulled by a horse – totally wicked), to Mandala with BB Taly, for a merengue dance, and to Uxmal with smiley Majo :)


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In brief, when you mix amazing people, outstanding beaches, good food, tequila, cenotes, mayan ruins, shark & turtles, you want to come back to Yucatan… ^^

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1 comment:

  1. Did you also took a bath on that tank with the shark? Paradisiacal pictures dude...
