
June 2, 2013

Day 1 - Barcelona: Roser and Arnau’s wedding

On the first day we have been invited to the wedding of Roser and Arnau. The wedding was in a rural residence near Barcelona. We loved the simple “hipster” style of the wedding. The ceremony was not the usual 2 hours long priest preacher, but a short and moving one. Before we noticed, they were already married:) There was no dress-code, everyone wore what was comfortable, which came in handy, because the sun was shining bright at the newly weds and the gathering.


It was not only a wedding, but also a reunion of erasmus students. Yurena, Roser, Mille, Humberto, Carmina and Valdis were studying together some 8 years ago in Lübeck, Germany. Some of them haven’t met ever since, yet they picked up teasing each other where they left off.


The menu was also not the usual wedding menu you are used to. After some appetizers, the guests were invited to taste two gigantic paellas, yummie!


Roser and Arnau are also great travellers. As a honeymoon they are planning to do a 3 month trip around the US, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia. You can follow their blog here:



From our little trip we wish them lots of happiness, success and never ending adventures! Moltes gràcies amics!


  1. What a beautiful pictures yuo took! Amazing moments! Thanks so much for taking part in this party :D we had an awesome day and that's thanks to our awesome guests! Have a lot of luck in the continuation of your trip around the world. Petons i fins aviat!

  2. Dear Roser nad Arnau!

    Congratulations important step in your life. We wish you lots of love, respect, joy and happiness! According to the pictures you had a great time!

    Greetings from Slovenia, Maks, Matic, Kiki and Špela
